Friday, March 11, 2011

Genesis 3

Whew!  Wasn't sure if I would get to do my reading today!  I woke up at 6 a.m. with the munchkin and hit the ground running, but he zeed out for a bit and I had a chance to do my reading.  Genesis 3 is a great chapter.  It really made me think in a lot of ways today.

The verses that I chose to focus on come from Genesis 3:8-10.

Verses:  "Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden.  But the Lord God called to the man, 'Where are you?' He answered, 'I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.'"
These verses hit me on so many levels:
  • I love my Bible.  It is a study Bible so it has these notes in the margins that accompany almost every verse.  Something in the margins for these verses really spoke to me.  It was talking about how God really desires to have fellowship with us, just as He did here with Adam and Eve.  Because they had sinned they tried to hide from Him and avoid that fellowship.  It got me to thinking.  Sometimes I wonder why I don't have a stronger desire to fellowship with God, and as I read these verses and those notes it made me realize that it has everything to do with me.  A lot of that desire comes from having daily communion with Him, being in the right place with Him, and confessing to Him.  A lot of times I might be "avoiding" Him myself, because of something that is not right with me...with me, not HIM!  It is not Him not wanting to fellowship with me and be real to me, it is me avoiding Him because of something that I may be ashamed about, even subconsciously.  If I am having problems with a friend and not acknowledging it and dealing with it, it affects my relationship with God.  If I have sinned and haven't dealt with it, it affects my relationship with God.  When I am not right with Him, I try to "hide" from Him, just like Adam and Eve.  It makes me realize how ultra important it is to continually be humbling myself before Him, and to also make sure that all things are right within my life.  
  • Another thing that spoke to me about these verses was that I see that Adam and Eve immediately became aware of their nakedness and tried to cover it up.  They also seem to be experiencing the guilty conscience and they are trying to cover that up as well by using these fig leaves.  I know that sometimes I try to "cover up" or "push away" what my conscience is telling me.  I am being just like Adam and Eve here.  I know that sometimes I have laughed at them thinking WHY would they try to cover up and hide from God...but I find that I do the same thing at times.  Even though I'm not wearing fig leaves and hiding in a garden, I try to hide from Him in other ways, which is ludicrous and laughable!  Who can hide from God???  I need to listen to what my conscience is telling me and deal with it!
Another great chapter!  I am loving this journey and challenge.  It is so great to get into the Word, to think on it throughout the day, and to look for new things that it is saying to me!

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