Today I had a little extra time-the wee one was sleeping-and the chapters were short, as well as compelling, so I read two. These chapters are about the great flood and Noah. I have always loved and been amazed by that story in the Bible, and now as an adult, I even contemplate them in a different way.
Verse #1: Genesis 7:15 "Pairs of all creatures that have the breath of life in them came to Noah and entered the ark."
I love this verse. I totally love it. I look at it and read it and think of many things. First, I think whoah! What must that have been like? Can you just IMAGINE it? I mean think about these animals, all of these animals, two of each, coming to the ark. Just sauntering up like, "Hey, I'm ready to go, can I get on the boat now?" I think that is how it happened because it says they came to Noah. God did this, he commanded them and they just came! That is crazy! Also, I am amazed at Noah again. He didn't worry about it like, how am I going to get all of these animals here? He just focused on his job, which was to build the ark, and trusted God to get the rest accomplished. I can learn a lot from that. I am a details girl and often when I am in the midst of things I get all caught up in trying to figure every single thing out by myself. I forget the bigger picture or what perhaps God is asking me to do and lose my focus because I am thinking about the other details that God can take care of better than I can. I need to leave those up to HIM!
Verse #2: Genesis 8:18 "So Noah came out, together with his sons and his wife and his sons' wives."
Why is this verse important to me? It is because of what I read in all of the verses preceding it. It was a lonnnng wait. They were there in this ark for over a year, when it was all said and done. This wasn't a luxury cruise ship. It was full of animals, and I am sure that the smell was probably pretty awful. They probably had a lot of the same kinds of food, they probably got a little tired of each other, but Noah waited. He waited until GOD told him it was ok and THEN he came out. What I learn from this is that sometimes life is tough. Sometimes it is a long haul and you feel like you are surrounded by stinking animal poo, but you have to wait. You have to wait and listen to God and wait for his command and what he wants to do and when he wants to bring you out of the ark. God was keeping Noah and his family in the ark for their own good, he knew that it wasn't safe and ready for them yet, and Noah and his family trusted God. I have to wait. I have to learn to deal with the poo and just wait.
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