Monday, March 14, 2011

Genesis 5 & 6

I missed my reading yesterday.  Between church, handling a two year old dealing with time change, and just the fun of our weekend days, I didn't have a chance to read Genesis 5. 

Today I read two chapters to make up for yesterday.

Genesis 5 was mostly the listing of the genealogy of Abraham's line beginning with Adam.  It was definitely interesting to see how long people lived, but the verse that struck me was about Enoch.

Verse:  Genesis 5:24  "Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away." 
This verse had a few footnotes to it leading me to other parts of the Bible.  It took me to Kings where it talks about Elijah being taken to heaven in the chariot and then to Hebrews 11:5.  That verse talked about how Enoch was a man of faith and therefore God simply took him.  He is basically in the hall of FAITH.  I found this to be so interesting and so amazing.  I don't remember hearing much, if anything, about Enoch when growing up.  I don't remember reading a lot about him, but here was this man and he was SO faithful, that God simply took him.  He walked with God.  I like that phrase.  It made me think a lot...if I were to be written up in a genealogy of the Bible would it say that about me?  Stacy walked with God.  I want to be someone that walks with God, and that God sees as a faithful follower. 

Genesis 6 was the beginning of the story of Noah.  This chapter was interesting.  It told the measurements of the ark and such, and it was so neat to read my little footnotes on it.  The ark was the length of one and a half football fields and as high as a four story building!  That is BIG!  It had to be to fit everything in it.  One of the things that has always amazed me about Noah was how much faith he also had.  I mean, they didn't even know what rain was.  Up to this point, the Earth had never seen rain, so for Noah to trust God and build this ark was a pretty amazing step of faith.  Think also of the people of this time.  I am sure it took Noah a pretty long time to build the ark...surely the people that he knew jeered, laughed at him, mocked him completely...probably called him a fool.  Yet, he carried on.  I know that sometimes I am afraid of what others will think of my faith so I might not say or do something. 

Verse:  Genesis 6:9  "This is the account of Noah.  Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God.
The people of Noah's time were living such evil, wicked lives that they were going to be wiped out by a flood.  That is pretty bad stuff.  Noah didn't have anyone else that was supporting him in his walk with God.  He didn't have a church to attend, he didn't have a care group that he could learn with and share with and ask to pray for him.  He didn't have an accountability partner.  He simply had God, and he stayed faithful to God.  It's a HUGE lesson for me.  I have so much, and so much support in my journey to walk with the Lord, yet still I push Him away sometimes.  Noah had nothing EXCEPT for God, and he clung to that.  I need to do a lot more clinging and a lot less pushing. 

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